субота, 1. март 2014.

Previse umornaa! Ali u isto vreme i srecna! :D

  Dragi moji, vidite i sami (po naslovu post-a) da sam umorna jer sam radila sinoc... ali u isto vreme sam i srecna jer sam sa svojim kolegama iz benda odradila svirku kako dolikuje. :D Htela bih ovom prilikom da Vam se zahvalim jer sam dobila dosta pitanja vezanih za temu "TMI Tag" ali... uvek postoji to alii... :D Zbog tehnickih problema video cu snimiti tek sledece nedelje a u toku sutrasnjeg dana cu odraditi "TMI Tag" kao post na blogu! :) xoxo :*

My dear, you see yourself (the title of the post) that I'm tired because I worked last night ... but at the same time I happy because I'm with my bandmates did a gig as fitting. : D I would like to take this opportunity to thank you because I've got a lot of questions related to the topic of "TMI Tag" But ... there's always that but ...: D Due to technical problems I record video until next week, and during the next day I'll do "TMI Tag" as a post on the blog! :) Xoxo: *

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